


At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register with an author registration, even if a student.

Student Rate is only for students who attached their student' ID card copy when register and is ONLY applicable for a student who is the FIRST author.


  Registration Fee
Authors from Foreign Institutions  75 USD
Students of Foreign Institutions  50 USD
Local Authors  650 TL


  • Gazi University Students
  • Gazi University Members
 450 TL
Listeners without submissions  Free admission


*USD/TRY currency rate will be fixed to 1 USD = 12.65 TRY 

*50% discount on additional paper(s). Additional paper price is only applied to the registered author who is the first author in both papers.

Deadline for payments: 6 December 2021 13:00 PM (GMT+3)

Our payment system is active now. You can register and pay via the given address. 

If you are eligible for any discount (Gazi members, students, etc.) please send your additional documents with the payment document to 


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